hell with you anyway if you don't like it. The sharply dressed business man with polished shoes, grey flannel suit and a "sincere" tie is also presenting his inner self a reliable, conservative, conforming, company man on whom you can depend and whom you can trust not to go off half cocked on some wild scheme.
So when we wear feminine attire it is simply a way of putting ourselves in a position where the expression of tenderness, gentility, gracefulness, etc, is part of the expected behaviour of that kind of person. These traits are appropriate to this particular facade and there- fore we are able to express these and other traits that we cannot put forth the rest of the time. Recognition of this fact is the second step in destroying guilt be- cause it sets forth an understandable explanation for the activity.
This leads to the explanation of another matter of considerable interest. Why is it that psychiatry is so notoriously unsuccessful in "curing" a TV? I don't know what the medicos would give as their reason, prob- ably some bit of psychoanalytic gobbledy gook, but I cer- tainly have and believe my own answer.
It is based on the assertion that within the limits of heredity all children, both boys and girls, are born with equal potentialities for the expression of most all human emotions, traits, and patterns. I did not say equal abilities nor equal intensity, just equal potenti- ality. By this I mean that the makings of all these human reactions to enviromental stimuli are there to begin with. But in the process of growing up boys and girls are both taught to be masculine or feminine. These patterns are 90% learned according to the rules of the culture, and are not biologically determined nor are they the same from one culture to another.
In learning TO be one kind of person of person the individual learns NOT to be the other kind. This means supressing roughly half of his potentials. But being suppressed does not destroy them. They follow along behind the expressible traits like the 2nd team on Satur- day afternoon watching the Varsity on the field and yearning to get into the game. Under ordinary situations this isn't possible, but when by some accident or cir-